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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How to Best Describe a Suspect

If you become the victim of a crime or witness a crime, stay calm and focus on the offender's appearance.

If you give the police a really good description of the suspect, it increases the odds that the perpetrator will be arrested and brought to justice.

Pay attention to the suspect's sex, race, height, weight, age, and hair.
. Take inventory of the suspect's clothing and accessories: The color, style, brand, shoes, and jewelry.
Look for scars, tattoos or distinguishing facial characteristics.
If the suspect speaks to you, listen carefully to the offender's voice. Does the suspect have an accent or a speech impediment? Do you recognize the offender's voice?
5. Pay attention to the suspect's direction of flight. If you are able to tell the police which way the suspect went, authorities may be able to catch the culprit before he or she leaves the area. Always look for a license plate number and describe the vehicle (make, model, color, markings, dents or damage).

Russell Rucker,
Regional Manager- Region 3

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